Set Up Campus Portal Parent
There are two types of setup for the Campus Portal Parent Feature.
Some Parent features may have already been configured for Faculty and Student features. Therefore, no additional configurations to these Parent features are necessary. Any additional configuration settings will be detailed in the setup instructions for that particular feature.
Verify or create an ID number (Name Entity and Users windows) for users who need to access J1 Desktop information through Parent features.
The ID number is required to allow the user to be assigned to the appropriate Campus Portal roles, to be assigned proper permissions to access J1 Desktop information, and to receive notifications.
Enable JICS Base and CRM Parent (Maintain Config Table window).
Verify or create appropriate Parent features roles to which users can be assigned (Role Definition window).
User roles allow you to control the level of Campus Portal access granted to users by assigning specific permissions to appropriate user roles.
Assign users to the Parent feature roles (Role Definition window).
Grant Campus Portal roles access to the page to allow users assigned to those roles access to the Parent features.
Verify or create a Campus Portal login and password for each Parent feature user (Maintain Web Access Code window).
Set configurations to support the display of names in Parent features (Salutation Definition window).
Ensure that each user who needs to receive an email notification that a submission has been received has an email address for notifications (Name Entity window).
Set configurations for the New Account Messaging feature.
Place the features on a page.
Configure each feature by entering the appropriate setup values in J1 Desktop.
Grant Campus Portal roles global access to features that appear on the Parent page and may also appear on other Campus Portal pages.