The mission of the Foundation is to help Northern Maine Community College meet its commitment to provide superior educational opportunities for all segments of the community.

Foundation board members will enhance community, alumni and student awareness of the college by serving as advocates in both the public and private sectors.

Foundation board members will secure contributions, planned gifts and donations; will support special projects; and will exercise prudent judgment in accounting for, managing and appreciating monies or properties acquired by the Foundation.  The leadership of the college will guide Foundation board members by communicating priorities for the distribution of funds for student scholarships, incentive grants, faculty and staff professional development and educational equipment or facilities.

It is the responsibility of the Foundation board members to support and foster the high quality of those standards which are the goal of Northern Maine Community College.

Contact Information:
 Northern Maine Community College Foundation
33 Edgemont Drive 
Presque Isle, ME  04769
Ms. Nicole Cote, Executive Director
NMCC Foundation
The need to support is greater than ever to ensure our students are fully prepared to meet our community's needs.  Below are the different avenues you can take to help support our students.

All gifts to the NMCC Foundation are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

To donate using cash or check, please mail the donation with your name, address and any special designation for use of the funds. You may also bring donations to the Foundation Office, located just off the main lobby of the Christie Building at Northern Maine Community College.
  • Online Giving using the "Donate Now" button located on the NMCC website home page.
  • Donations made by credit card can be done online or by calling the Foundation Office.
  • Honor someone for an important accomplishment such as professional promotion or a special occasion such as a birthday or retirement.
  • Memorials are special ways to remember love ones.
  • Matching Gifts are usually available through employers. Check with your employer to see if the company offers a matching gift opportunity.
  • Ownership of Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds can be transferred to the NMCC Foundation as a donation.
  • If you are interested in donating Real Estate or Personal Property, please contact the Foundation Office.


Planned giving provides to you an alternative means of giving. A planned gift legally provides resources during the donor's lifetime with some income designated to the foundation upon the death of the donor and/or other beneficiaries.  Such giving can be done through will, insurance, trust or gift annuity. Talk with your attorney or financial advisor to learn about the benefits of planned giving for you and for the College.