

Facilities at NMCC are designed to be accessible by persons with disabilities. The college is committed to providing, whenever possible, equal opportunities to all students, including assessment of and modifications to facilities and programs to accommodate special needs in the least restrictive environment. Inquiries should be directed to Tammy Nelson, the Director of Counseling, at (207) 768-2747.


*Please note: Students requesting specific accommodations have the responsibility, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or the ADAA of 2009, of making sure that the college is aware of their needs. Specifically, students should: 1) request the relevant adaptation, and, 2) provide documentation of that need to the satisfaction of the college. Once these responsibilities are met by the student, the college will attempt to provide the accommodation. Routine accommodations provided in the past have included: special laboratory equipment, text to auditory translation, extended time, and, in some cases, tape recording of lectures. However, recording of lectures is not automatically approved by some instructors; if that accommodation is necessary, it should be requested early in order to allow instructors to plan accordingly. Documentation of need should accompany the request if possible. A minimum of 30 days of lead time is suggested. The college considers requests after classes are underway on a case-by-case basis.


Students who have never before been responsible for the details of their own lives (i.e. lived away from home or without the guidance of some adult caregiver) need to be aware of the fact that they will be assuming such responsibilities. It is important that they learn to monitor their own activities, respect the rights and privileges of fellow students, exercise self-discipline without relying on reminders from others and, perhaps most importantly, be ready to advocate for themselves and resolve various conflicts within their own peer group when appropriate.

Procedure for ADA Special Accommodations

  1. Should a student require accommodations for a disability, a written request must be made to the Director of Counseling accompanied by appropriate documentation supporting this request. Such documentation may be in the form of a psycho-educational evaluation, an audiological evaluation, a physician’s recommendation, etc. and must meet the college’s standard of acceptability.
  2. When a written request is received, the documentation is determined to be adequate, and the accommodation is considered reasonable, a written request for accommodation(s) is forwarded to the Dean of Students by the Director of Counseling.
  3. The Dean of Students reviews the request and either grants or amends the accommodation. An accommodation may be denied if it compromises the fundamental requirements/outcomes of a specific academic program.
  4. Once the accommodation is decided on in writing by the Dean, the student is notified in writing via school email by the Director of Counseling. The student will receive letters outlining approved accommodations to present to individual faculty members. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the instructors as soon as possible to discuss the approved accommodations and the specifics of receiving the accommodations. If there are questions or clarifications needed, the student and/or the instructor need to contact the Director of Counseling as soon as possible.
  5. In most cases, a request must be made at the beginning of each semester in order for accommodations to continue into the next term or into the next academic year